
From Walls to Canvas

I grew up in a city, studied in a different city, then moved to another city, then moved some more, studied some more. I hopped from South to North and from West to East. Finally trading walls for canvas has definitely been an interesting trade - not solely on a physical and mental level. In this post I thought listing some of the weirdest/fun/interesting changes that occurred regarding 'simple' everyday actions.

The view from my old home 

I should have cleaned before taking a picture

Going to the toilet. One of the annoying things of going on a holiday is that you have to plan when you go to the bathroom right? First think about a nice cafe, order something and then you're able to visit the bathroom, best to combine it instead of paying for it separately. So it takes a little planning. This was always the first thing that made me realise I was actually on a holiday. Now I have to do this every day. Especially during the evening, I can't wait until it starts to snow... Same goes for when I decide to drink my last cup of tea or any kind of drink for that matter. Gotta plan everything ahead.

Rent vs. ... Rent? Contrary to what many people think, it's actually not cheaper to live in a tent than renting a room. At least not on the campground I'm currently staying. But, I do not have to clean the bathroom myself!

Getting home during the early hours. Arriving home late/early always makes me feel like an elephant in a closet. I tend to fall over everything, nearly breaking my neck and other things. Only to wake up having to clean up all the mess I left behind. 

It's got not charge left Morty! I have no electricity in my tent so naturally I have to plan for how long I can continue scrolling down some nonsense website - or a very interesting website mind you... /rickandmorty

It's cold! Yes it's cold and I'm cold a lot, but I'm not having a cold. Ever since I started camping I honestly feel more healthy than I ever did.

Burn baby burn. I remember the first time I lit a fire in my tiny tent stove as if it was yesterday and I think it will stay that way for as long as I live. The day the stove arrived, I immediatly unpacked it, got some wood and placed them as I remembered being recommended online, and lit the fire starter... and then there was fire. Hot luminous flames.

Zzz. When every battery is drained and my eyes and back hurt from reading I often have nothing else to do, so I go to bed and wake up with the first light. This is completely different from the time I lived between four walls. I also think the fresh air makes me somehow more easily tired. 

Light my fire - I mean candles. During the evening I have very little light, the only thing that keeps me from stumbling in the dark are eight candles. Surprisingly, when you arrange them in a way they give an amazing amount of light, but it's not very comfortable for reading.

Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo. One swing of my magic wand and everything is clean. Or completely moved for that matter. Even though I had less stuff I once moved my whole home, by myself, in 2 hours - including a thorough cleanse. But yeah, cleaning my whole home only takes half an hour.

That is where the 'closest' socket is. And it takes approximately fifteen times this distance to get to the bathroom.   


Reading: The Vital Question - Nick Lane
Listening: The Upbeats
What is happening: It's 2 am. Ok 3 now... 

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